Fine Poetry - A Choral Exposition

詩情曲意 ~ 斷捨離


10 December 2018 (Mon) 8:00pm
Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

2018年12月10日 (星期一) 晚上8時

Presented by The Pro-Musica Society of Hong Kong


Conductors:指揮: 陳家曦 Lesley Chan
鍾偉亮 William Chung
李嘉俊 Chris Lee
Chorus:合唱團: The Pro-Musica Chorus of Hong Kong香港雅樂社合唱團
Accompanists:伴奏: 李啟源 Vitas Li
張肇駿 Cheung Siu Chun
黃雅怡 Abby Wong

Conductor指揮: 李嘉俊 Chris KC Lee
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 李啟源 Vitas Li
  1. 大江東去 (The Mighty River Flowing Eastward)
  2. 駐馬聽 (Zhu Ma Ting)
Conductor指揮: 鍾偉亮 William Chung
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 張肇駿 Siu-Chun Cheung
  1. 如夢令 (Ru Meng Ling)
  2. 陽關三叠 (Yang Guan Farewell)
Conductor指揮: 李嘉俊 Chris KC Lee
Soloist領唱: 鍾偉亮 William Chung
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 李啟源 Vitas Li
  1. 下江陵 (Leaving For Jiangling)
Conductor指揮: 鍾偉亮 William Chung
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 黃雅怡 Abby Wong
  1. 烏衣巷 (Black Dress Lane)
  2. 黃鶴樓 (The Yellow Crane Tower)

Conductor指揮: 陳家曦 Lesley Chan
Soloists領唱: 朱雯素 Janet Chu, 李亦剛 Chris YK Lee
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 李啟源 Vitas Li
  1. 青玉案・元夕 (Qing Yu An・The Lantern Festival Night) (Premiere首演)
  2. 長恨歌 (The Song of Everlasting Regret)
    1. 仙樂風飄處處聞 (Heavenly Music Carried by the Wind Is Heard Everywhere)
    2. 七月七日長生殿 (The Seventh Night of the Seventh Lunar Moon in the Hall of Eternity)
    3. 漁陽鼙鼓動地來 (The War Drums from Yuyang Shake the Ground)
    4. 驚破霓裳羽衣曲 (Interrupting the Tune of the Rainbow Dress and Feather Gown)
    5. 六軍不發無奈何 (Imperial Guards Refused to March, Rendering the Emperor Helpless )
    6. 宛轉娥眉馬前死 (Yang Fei's Execution in Front of the Steeds)
    7. 夜雨聞鈴腸斷聲 (Hearing Wind Charms in Rainy Night Deepened Broken-Heartedness)
    8. 山在虛無縹緲間 (Mountain in the Midst of Vast Haze)
    9. 西宮南內多秋草 (Autumn Weeds Are Overgrown in the West and South Palaces)
    10. 此恨綿綿無絕期 (This Regret Remains and Lasts Forever and Ever)