Fine Poetry - A Choral Exposition
詩情曲意 ~ 斷捨離
10 December 2018 (Mon) 8:00pm
Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall
2018年12月10日 (星期一) 晚上8時
Presented by The Pro-Musica Society of Hong Kong
Conductors:指揮: |
陳家曦 Lesley Chan
鍾偉亮 William Chung
李嘉俊 Chris Lee |
Chorus:合唱團: |
The Pro-Musica Chorus of Hong Kong香港雅樂社合唱團 |
Accompanists:伴奏: |
李啟源 Vitas Li
張肇駿 Cheung Siu Chun
黃雅怡 Abby Wong |
Conductor指揮: 李嘉俊 Chris KC Lee
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 李啟源 Vitas Li
- 大江東去 (The Mighty River Flowing Eastward)
- 駐馬聽 (Zhu Ma Ting)
Conductor指揮: 鍾偉亮 William Chung
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 張肇駿 Siu-Chun Cheung
- 如夢令 (Ru Meng Ling)
- 陽關三叠 (Yang Guan Farewell)
Conductor指揮: 李嘉俊 Chris KC Lee
Soloist領唱: 鍾偉亮 William Chung
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 李啟源 Vitas Li
- 下江陵 (Leaving For Jiangling)
Conductor指揮: 鍾偉亮 William Chung
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 黃雅怡 Abby Wong
- 烏衣巷 (Black Dress Lane)
- 黃鶴樓 (The Yellow Crane Tower)
Conductor指揮: 陳家曦 Lesley Chan
Soloists領唱: 朱雯素 Janet Chu, 李亦剛 Chris YK Lee
Recitation朗誦: 張妙陽 Zhang Miao Yang
Pianist鋼琴伴奏: 李啟源 Vitas Li
- 青玉案・元夕 (Qing Yu An・The Lantern Festival Night) (Premiere首演)
- 長恨歌 (The Song of Everlasting Regret)
- 仙樂風飄處處聞 (Heavenly Music Carried by the Wind Is Heard Everywhere)
- 七月七日長生殿 (The Seventh Night of the Seventh Lunar Moon in the Hall of Eternity)
- 漁陽鼙鼓動地來 (The War Drums from Yuyang Shake the Ground)
- 驚破霓裳羽衣曲 (Interrupting the Tune of the Rainbow Dress and Feather Gown)
- 六軍不發無奈何 (Imperial Guards Refused to March, Rendering the Emperor Helpless )
- 宛轉娥眉馬前死 (Yang Fei's Execution in Front of the Steeds)
- 夜雨聞鈴腸斷聲 (Hearing Wind Charms in Rainy Night Deepened Broken-Heartedness)
- 山在虛無縹緲間 (Mountain in the Midst of Vast Haze)
- 西宮南內多秋草 (Autumn Weeds Are Overgrown in the West and South Palaces)
- 此恨綿綿無絕期 (This Regret Remains and Lasts Forever and Ever)